As I wanted top get a good insight into the library , its history, its benefits and its appeal to the public, I wanted to visit the library to photograph some of the architecture, signage and anything else I found inspiring for my brief. Following are the emails sent between me and Kathryn Flood of Leeds Council to ask about taking photographs as research for my brief, with the possibility of using them for a promotional leaflet and on my personal website.
Kathryn Flood (KF)"Hello Jonathan. Your request to take photographs at Leeds Central Library has been passed to me for a response. Please could give me more info on what the information will be used for and where will you be promoting and advertising Central Library, before we can agree to allowing you to take photos in the building. Thanks Kathy"
Jonathan Chapman (JC)"Hi Kathryn. The photographs would mostly be used as research and might be used to put into a leaflet that I would design to promote the library and its facilities. None of the work I produce will be printed commercially but the photographs would also be for personal use, if relevant, such as in my portfolio. The promotional pieces I will be producing for the library would be theoretically distributed to local areas of interest and businesses while also producing some designs for signage and interior promotional pieces to be used on the central library windows. Thanks, Jonathan"
Hi, That sounds ok, if we could have a finished copy it would be good. When were you thinking of coming to take photos, and where in the building?, just need to make sure Health and Safety issues are taken into consideration. If you can let me details I can let staff know. Kathy
(JC)Hi, Would Tuesday 23rd Feb be OK to come and take the photos? I would like to take photos of the main staircase and entrance, the tiled hall, the art library and the central lending library area. Thanks, Jonathan.
(KF)Hi, The best time to visit would be 9 -11am, before the library gets too busy, as we are open to the public, you would need to ask permission in the Tiled hall before taking photos, and also not to block the stairs are they are an evacuation route. Hope this helps, Kathy.
(JC)Hi, That's great, thanks, I will be there for 9am tomorrow morning then.
Do I have to let anyone know that I am there or am I fine to start taking photos as soon as I get there?
(KF)Hi, The Head Porter has been informed, if you could enter through the basement door and mention to the staff in the office, it should be ok. Kathy.
(JC)Thanks and thanks for all your help! Jonathan.